
Mays scoring a run without getting a hit, anyone else getting a hit, or even actually "stealing" a base. This is akin to Willie Pep winning a round in boxing without throwing a punch (something that supposedly happened several times in his career). My question for you: Is Willie credited with an RBI in this scenario? I was always told at the end-of-a game, the team's Runs must always equal its' RBIs. What say you?

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Thanks for your comment. When I read about this game in the newspaper archives last week I couldn't resist writing a little story about it. This is one of those little anecdotes that adds to the legend. And I can't help thinking that Willie got the Phillies so rattled that it planted the seeds of their epic collapse a couple of weeks later.

To answer your question, Mays was not credited with an RBI.

Here's the official box score of the game:


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